Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
Using Your Own Distribution License or Partner
to Deliver Cannabis Goods for Sale



This SOP provides guidelines on the necessary steps for exhibitors using their own distribution license or distribution partner to deliver Cannabis Goods for Sale (CGFS) to the Hall of Flowers event site.

NOTE: This option is not available to exhibitors utilizing the onsite dispensary.

All CGFS are subject to METRC transfers and must comply with existing regulatory requirements. CGFS must be transported by a licensed distributor or licensed microbusiness authorized to conduct distribution and transferred from a licensed distributor to a retail licensee.

(If you would prefer to use HOF’s Distribution Partner, Nabis, please follow these instructions provided by Nabis – Distribution Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Please note that you must complete the Nabis Distribution Form by September 9th to use this service.) 


Brand Transfers to Distributors

Please follow existing state regulations and business protocols for transfers of cannabis and cannabis products through METRC. More information on transfers is available through METRC Learn


Due to the separate pricing structures between Day 1 (B2B) and Day 2 (Consumer), two separate transfers from the brand to the Distributor are recommended to ensure the proper flow of product and to capture tax levels as the product is moved to retailers. HOF recommends including the specific event day in the notes section of the manifest for record keeping. 


Distributor Transfers to Retail Licensees at Event Site

Please follow existing state regulations and business protocols for Wholesale Transfers of CGFS through METRC from Distributor to Retailers. More information on Transfers is available through METRC Learn


Due to the separate pricing structures between Day 1 and Day 2, two transfers from Distributors to Retailers are required to capture the accurate tax levels. 

  • The Day 1 transfer shall be priced at $0.01 from the distributor to the exhibitor’s onsite retail license or retail license partner. 

  • The Day 2 transfer does not have any required or suggested pricing guidelines and can be transferred for any amount as decided collectively by the brand and retailer. 


Distributors must follow the standard process for creating Wholesale Manifests to Retailers with the addition of a required Note to include on the manifests. In the notes section of the transfer manifest, specify the event and event address as below:

Hall of Flowers
1350 Bennett Valley Rd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

**Reminder - Distributors must manifest to the Retailer to whom they are transferring the CGFS to on METRC (not the brand or to HOF). 


  • A physical copy of the manifest

  • UID Tag for each Package

  • Cannabis Goods for Sale


Delivery of Your CGFS to the show site


No distribution vehicles will be allowed to enter the show site without a Temporary Distribution Parking Pass issued by Hall of Flowers. A temporary parking area will be designated for delivery vehicles during the following days & times:

  • Thursday, September 19th 12pm-5pm

  • Friday, September 20th 8am-9am

  • Saturday, September 21st 9:30am-10:30am

Please schedule your distribution drop off time using the Hall of Flowers Distribution Form which will be emailed to the exhibitor’s designated POC.  

A parking pass will be provided to distribution vehicles who arrive at their scheduled delivery time to access the designated temporary parking area. A map & directions to the designated parking area will be provided for you to share with your distributor once a delivery date & time has been scheduled.


  • A badged employee/temporary employee of the retail licensee must meet the distribution vehicle in the designated distribution parking area to receive the CGFS and complete the METRC transfer. CGFS can not be released to non-retail employees. 

  • A Retail employee must physically intake the product, ensuring the physical product matches what was input onto the Wholesale Manifest. 

  • Refer to In-Booth Sales SOPs for more information on completing METRC Transfers.

  • Handheld dollies will be provided by Hall of Flowers if needed to transport CGFS to your booth.


Remaining CGFS Units at End of Event & Return Transfers

All cannabis goods must be removed from the event site by Saturday, 9/21 between 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm.

Retailer Responsibilities:

  • Retailers are responsible for selling through, returning to the distributor, or destroying any remaining CGFS at the end of the event. No CGFS units may remain on the event premises after Saturday 9/21 at 9:30pm.

  • All actions must be accurately recorded in METRC, are the sole responsibility of the retail licensee and distributor licensees, and follow all applicable existing regulations.

Return Transfer Pickup:

  • No distribution vehicles may enter the show site without a Temporary Distribution Parking Pass issued by Hall of Flowers. A temporary parking area will be designated for delivery vehicles during the following days & times:

    • Saturday, September 21st 8:30pm-9:30pm.

  • A badged employee/temporary employee of the retail partner/licensee or a badged distribution employee must bring the CGFS to the Distribution area.

Creating Return Transfer Manifests:

  • Retailers are able to create Return Transfer Manifests in METRC to return any unsold cannabis goods at the end of the event to a Distributor.

  • Refer to the detailed instructions below on creating a Return Transfer Manifest. More information on Return Transfers is available through METRC Learn.

  • Items Needed for Return Transfers:

    • Physical copy of the return manifest

    • UID Tag for each package

    • Cannabis Goods to be returned

  • Information Needed from Your Distributor

    • Destination  – This is the Distributor’s License number and address who will be transporting the returned CGFS. 

    • Transport – This is the Distributor’s License number who will be transporting the returned CGFS. 

    • Planned Route – Confirm with your Distributor if there is a specific route they would like entered, otherwise utilize a Maps Application to get directions from the HOF event site to the Distributors premise. 

    • Driver and Vehicle Information as outlined below:

Process for Creating Return Transfer 

1. Select Transfer Tab in METRC

2. Create a New Transfer

3. Compile and Register Transfer Manifest

4. Inform your Distribution partner that the Return Transfer has been completed/registered and to accept the Transfer Manifest in their METRC portal.